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Tried it, works until it sticks again and does not move afterwards and i don't know why or how to prevent it from sticking...

i just think - and of course, you can disagree - that the start locater and whatever locater should be represented by 128 slice points over the total sample. This is the only way to get a clear picture and in one glance looking at the 4 automation CCs in the sequencer what locater will be where for the next note. This is the place where you can see their relative position.

Locaters should be independent of each other
- start offset accidentally is moved by a value bigger than one of the other locaters; in that case, start offset=start loop if present
- end offset accidentally is moved by a smaller value smaller than one of the other locaters; in that case, end offset=end loop if present
- start loop must be bigger/equal to start offset but smaller/equal than end loop
- end loop must be smaller /equal to end offset but bigger/equal than start loop
- start loop must be smaller than end loop

haha, getting crazy here....but i hate it when locaters get stuck and lead their own life :)

The low resolution of 128 locater points in the total sample sucks, i know, and i am not too familiar with sending MSB/LSB pairs (that would allow for much greater values) i'm afraid.

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