Yes, I tried using the MIDI Send- going by the earlier method of capturing the audio from the synth plugins- being sure to connect things up in the connections dialogue, but no go. I tried every way I could see of hooking things up. Not sure what the "Dedicated MIDI player outputs" are in the Options > MIDI section, but I enabled it and connected it as well, but still nothing recording.
Yes, I tried using the MIDI Send- going by the earlier method of capturing the audio from the synth plugins- being sure to connect things up in the connections dialogue, but no go. I tried every way I could see of hooking things up. Not sure what the "Dedicated MIDI player outputs" are in the Options > MIDI section, but I enabled it and connected it as well, but still nothing recording.
I started using GMIDImonitor to see if I could tap into things- I can see the QMA output, but it's not being recorded. Here's a screenshot-…
I have it sent to a new midi track as well as GMIDImonitor- the QMA notes appear in the monitor, but aren't recorded to the track.
The working folder for the project is here-