Up until now I've been using the KXStudio version of Qtractor. So, I just grabbed the git version, installed the libraries needed for configure not to throw up errors, and got it to make (I also needed libqt5x11extras5-dev for make to complete), now I've got a shiny new Qtractor! As a side note, I'm using Ubuntu Studio 16.04 with many repos added.
The audio track export (non-realtime) works with QMidiArp now- but, it seems like the phasing of the QMA program is different, at least that's what I think I'm hearing (as a side note there is another issue I'm having- I can't record the midi output of QMA- I can give more details on what I've tried- Rui, should I start a new thread for that or do a new post in this one?).
Up until now I've been using the KXStudio version of Qtractor. So, I just grabbed the git version, installed the libraries needed for configure not to throw up errors, and got it to make (I also needed libqt5x11extras5-dev for make to complete), now I've got a shiny new Qtractor! As a side note, I'm using Ubuntu Studio 16.04 with many repos added.
The audio track export (non-realtime) works with QMidiArp now- but, it seems like the phasing of the QMA program is different, at least that's what I think I'm hearing (as a side note there is another issue I'm having- I can't record the midi output of QMA- I can give more details on what I've tried- Rui, should I start a new thread for that or do a new post in this one?).
To illustrate, here's one of the sections rendered out in realtime- http://sketchbin.webmadman.net/2017/progression01dev/2017-09-24/progres…
Versus exported in non-realtime-
http://sketchbin.webmadman.net/2017/progression01dev/2017-09-24/progres… ).
Here's the QMA pattern- http://sketchbin.webmadman.net/2017/progression01dev/2017-09-24/achordi…
PAsting it in the forum can cause issue- the angle brackets don't play nice in the html ;-)
And the midi file of the chord progression-
The folder all that is in is a dump of the working directory-
I'm just thrilled to be making progress!