Will somebody at least admit that Jeremy's procedure (that for the life of me, I somehow cannot reproduce, ever since the video was posted. I tried several times, there are holes in it. It simply doesn't work for me, otherwise I wouldn't be searching for an alternative, at least not so helplessly ; And yes, I will try it again) is several orders of magnitude more complicated than the "every track outputs are exposed" and "your session is self-contained" Ardour (and huh, AFAIK a lot of others) approach?
Will somebody at least admit that Jeremy's procedure (that for the life of me, I somehow cannot reproduce, ever since the video was posted. I tried several times, there are holes in it. It simply doesn't work for me, otherwise I wouldn't be searching for an alternative, at least not so helplessly ; And yes, I will try it again) is several orders of magnitude more complicated than the "every track outputs are exposed" and "your session is self-contained" Ardour (and huh, AFAIK a lot of others) approach?