yes it works! It seems, we have a mean and lean qtractor machine !
i had to add libqt5x11extras5-dev (>= 5.1) as well to the list of dependencies, but then "make" runs just fine. Unable to install, i have moved the home build qtractor to /home/bin, created a shortcut to /home/bin/qtractor/src/qtractor and placed it on the desktop.
We are pleased with the JackTransport button - big thanks.
yes it works! It seems, we have a mean and lean qtractor machine !
i had to add libqt5x11extras5-dev (>= 5.1) as well to the list of dependencies, but then "make" runs just fine. Unable to install, i have moved the home build qtractor to /home/bin, created a shortcut to /home/bin/qtractor/src/qtractor and placed it on the desktop.
We are pleased with the JackTransport button - big thanks.