the first thing you must acknowledge is that JACK, via one of its front-end which qjackctl is one, does take over exclusive control and access of your sound-card device (Scarlet 2i2) so nothing else will be allowed to make any sound to or from it *unless* its a JACK-aware client application.
so, no dice for web audio or browser audio to work simultaneously whenever JACK is running and owning the sound device. this simple fact is one of the most hideous "features" that newbies are confront themselves when trying to work with JACK.
working around all this is not that easy and the solutions there available are not for the faint-of-heart, so to speak :) but there's hope, don't get me wrong: it's just a matter of well balanced mix of patience, perseverance and good willingness :)
ok. all that to say that what you need is all about making JACK and PULSEAUDIO to collaborate. i'm not a expert on this kind of integration but i've heard of many that do it quite successfully. maybe you wish to make friends with google and start your own journey into that brand new world.
for now, i'll leave you some interesting links for you to start over:
don't despair. :)
the first thing you must acknowledge is that JACK, via one of its front-end which qjackctl is one, does take over exclusive control and access of your sound-card device (Scarlet 2i2) so nothing else will be allowed to make any sound to or from it *unless* its a JACK-aware client application.
so, no dice for web audio or browser audio to work simultaneously whenever JACK is running and owning the sound device. this simple fact is one of the most hideous "features" that newbies are confront themselves when trying to work with JACK.
working around all this is not that easy and the solutions there available are not for the faint-of-heart, so to speak :) but there's hope, don't get me wrong: it's just a matter of well balanced mix of patience, perseverance and good willingness :)
ok. all that to say that what you need is all about making JACK and PULSEAUDIO to collaborate. i'm not a expert on this kind of integration but i've heard of many that do it quite successfully. maybe you wish to make friends with google and start your own journey into that brand new world.
for now, i'll leave you some interesting links for you to start over:
you probably wis