well that figures do depend on several factors, including current system configuration: cpu power, jackd frames/period, etc.
for instance, on my system (intel core 2 quad, jackd -p128) the provided presets just tops 35% on jackd dsp load.
it may also depend on the build target and compiler optimizations in place (release is ok; debug not so much).
and obviously the more voices are playing simultaneously (mono vs. poly) the greater the load.
however i must give you an optimization hint:- don't set LFO Reso to anything but 0% when filter type is Form(ant): it won't make up much of an audible difference, especially if the LFO BPM and/or Rate are relatively high, but will do a lot of a computational difference as the formant filter coefficients will have to get recalculated all the time, which is just overkill.
well that figures do depend on several factors, including current system configuration: cpu power, jackd frames/period, etc.
for instance, on my system (intel core 2 quad, jackd -p128) the provided presets just tops 35% on jackd dsp load.
it may also depend on the build target and compiler optimizations in place (release is ok; debug not so much).
and obviously the more voices are playing simultaneously (mono vs. poly) the greater the load.
however i must give you an optimization hint:- don't set LFO Reso to anything but 0% when filter type is Form(ant): it won't make up much of an audible difference, especially if the LFO BPM and/or Rate are relatively high, but will do a lot of a computational difference as the formant filter coefficients will have to get recalculated all the time, which is just overkill.