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I can release the all Qranger source code, is not a problem at all.
The only problem as Rui noted, is the commercial Zplane Elastique plugin merged with the Qranger system.
Elastique can be released only with the Mediastation and Groove products and NOT as standalone open souce application.

IF Rui can totally remove from the code the elastique and relpace it with Rubberband, then I'm open to release the all source code for the Open Source world too.

Second problem is our SVN repository, all the mediastation and groove system are and only the LIONSTRACS developer ( Rui included) are allowed to login for the all updates and disaster too..LOL :)
I will talk with Rui if we can open a new clone Qranger SVN public repository.

The last issue that I see on Qranger on a standad PC ( not mediastation-Groove) is that Qranger editor do NOT have the all realtime features as the Qranger engine backend ( is without GUI, controlled by Mediastation API)

I have already asekd Rui if we can remove the backend engine and use only the whole Qranger GUI editor, controlled by API.
There on Qranger Editor need to copy from the backend engine some features and include some new widget box realtime with:
1) 16+16 Marker pointer keys, total 32 patterns marker point
2) Fade IN-OUT keys
3) Midi key START and STOP keys
4) Jump Patterns mode key
5) Auto Fill patterns
6) Break pattern
7) Key pattern HOLD
8) ONE Key chords mode
9) 8+8 slider mixer realtime editing
10) 8+8 Mute/Unmute realtime editing
11) Realtime Transpose: +7/-5 of the global session patterns (melody+Bass layers tracks, DRUMS ignored)
12) Copy/Paste of the all tracks to the all Chords TAB layers

here more info features on Qranger:

when this all basic Arranger/groove Box features can be merged on the qranger editor, you can use it as we use on our products.
Another nice qranger feature that Rui have implemented, is the EMC styles converter importer: load EMC midifile on Qranger session and PLAY! automatically are imported the 8+8+8 midi tracks ( Maj, Min, 7th) and all ready to play.

So.. if someone are able to upgrade the Qtractor/Qranger with new features...welcome on board! :)

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