One other thing: I've noticed, from your sincro.qtr session that you're connecting the MIDI master output of qtractor to its own master input. That might be a source of trouble because, for example, MMC LOCATE is being fed back and that might get you out of sync and transport resolution mismatches. It you really need that MIDI loopback connection you should consider having separate/dedicated MIDI control ports (see View/Options.../MIDI/Control).
One other thing: I've noticed, from your sincro.qtr session that you're connecting the MIDI master output of qtractor to its own master input. That might be a source of trouble because, for example, MMC LOCATE is being fed back and that might get you out of sync and transport resolution mismatches. It you really need that MIDI loopback connection you should consider having separate/dedicated MIDI control ports (see View/Options.../MIDI/Control).