(my) idea of it is about holding keys (MIDI note-ons) while across loop turnarounds: keys are released after and thus MIDI note-offs get stamped as _before_ the respective onset note-ons (key press) and therefore will get dropped out and miss-triggering an instrument's voice release phase so that you end hearing it as stuck-notes.
in fact, tbh. it's a (known) issue while on existing MIDI clip record/overdubbing AND while looping... it doesn't quite applies to regular MIDI track monitoring/recording, but well, i guess it's not the case at hand here.
then, i don't really know what's going on there, sorry.
but willing to help anyways.
does the recorded material makes any evidence of this issue? if yes, then share its context (session file) and point the precise spots where things are or seems to be going south... :)
i'm leaned towards to not buying this so cheap :)
what glitch?
(my) idea of it is about holding keys (MIDI note-ons) while across loop turnarounds: keys are released after and thus MIDI note-offs get stamped as _before_ the respective onset note-ons (key press) and therefore will get dropped out and miss-triggering an instrument's voice release phase so that you end hearing it as stuck-notes.
in fact, tbh. it's a (known) issue while on existing MIDI clip record/overdubbing AND while looping... it doesn't quite applies to regular MIDI track monitoring/recording, but well, i guess it's not the case at hand here.
then, i don't really know what's going on there, sorry.
but willing to help anyways.
does the recorded material makes any evidence of this issue? if yes, then share its context (session file) and point the precise spots where things are or seems to be going south... :)