my workstation has several virtual MIDI inputs and outputs:
1: Musical data and clock input/output
2: DAW control functions
So I activated Qtractor's dedicated MIDI input/output and connected the two inputs and outputs it in both ways. It works, I can control Qtractor with my workstation. But now I am not able to do a BPM sync because my workstation expects clock on port 1 but Qtractor uses the control port for clock output. Adding crosswise connections (1->2/2->1)) leads to very weird behavior which makes sense and makes Qtractor unusable. Is there any chance to configure the clock port which qtractor uses? Or is there any workaround to get these two syncing?
re. Midi clock send port
I think you can only have one way or the other; having both ways (WS MIDI Clk out -> qtractor -> WS MIDI Clk in) is not really an advisable situation...
iow. if you set qtractor's MIDI Clock option to "Duplex" you better not make both source and target as being the same device, otherwise you'll probably get a positive feedback loop and end up with a proverbial undefined behavior, which I think you already noticed :)
I described this wrong. When
I described this wrong. When I activate the dedicated control port Qtractor sends MIDI Clock over this port and not the master bus anymore. But my workstation receives MIDI clock on the port where the notes are transmitted. So I am forced to decide whether I use MIDI clock without or DAW control with the dedicated port. Is it possible that MIDI Clock receives its own virtual input/output?
Just connect it
You can connect Qtractor's Control Port to each device you want, e.g. with Qjackctl.
And you can use an external program jack_midi_clock that gets JACK transport, converts it to JACK MIDI. With j2a_bridge you have your MIDI CLOCK and SPP as ALSA MIDI. At the moment this solution handles the situations better when Qtractors's playhead is not on a 1/8 note boundary and playback is started.
re. MIDI Clock receives its own virtual input/output?
I don't understand, please enlight me :)
MIDI Clock is, or should be, generated by a designated master device, usually a sequencer, but it might be anything else, as long it's the only one with this role (generating a MIDI Clock stream)...
as posted on that message one year+ ago: you can't have competing MIDI Clock sources: you'll have to choose one and only one--like 80's movie The Highlander;)
so, what's the point of having a MIDI Clock Duplex setting available, you say? yes, it's just nonsense--it shouldn't be there to start with--there should be either Input or Output only, not both!
it's a conceptual mistake and it will be corrected soon, worry no more
sorry && thanks for the heads up! :)
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