The simplest instruction for installing Qtractor


So I have completely new latest os Deepin 15.5 and I want to install new Qtractor but I don't get it how.
Can someone make a one big comand line with everything I need to install the latest qtractor, so I can just copy and paste into terminal?
I would be very grateful!

I didn't tried from terminal, deepin linux doesn't have AppImage support jet.
I installed from KXStudio repo so it works but from some reason I don't see qtractor in luncher so I need to lucnh it from terminal every time.
Thanks for help!



In qtractor when setting the scale as Am the G note isn't available. Is this a bug?

no way! unless you set some disparate key/scale?

you're referring to the MIDI clip editor/piano-roll right?
if yes that set View > Toolbars > Scale into view ofc and set the scale mode to "Chromatic" (default standard western 12-tone)
otoh. is there a "Am" key at all? i kinda read it as "A minor" fwiw. but i might be dead wrong...
I may always fail/foul-short on the m-theory but--and you're welcome to advice-- I am/we are always learning ;)


Thank you for your reply.

Sorry I wasn't explicit, yes by Am I mean A minor. I can't check my settings right now as I am not at home butI'll double chec that I set it as "chromatic" and not "harmonic". The A minor scale should be A, B, C, D, E, F, G but I could only get G#.


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