A tiny bug - more of a microbe, really - in the Tempo Map. It also applies to the Time toolbar.
In the box where the tempo and time signature are shown, there are up and down arrows which can be used to adjust any of the 3 values shown: tempo, number of beats or type of beat.
However, if any one of these 3 figures is set to its maximum or minimum possible value, then the relevant adjustment arrow is greyed out and unusable not only for that parameter, but for both of the others as well.
For instance, if I set tempo = 120 with a time signature of 4/4, I can adjust any of the 3 figures using up or down arrows. But if I set a time sig. of 2/4, then the down arrow becomes unusable for all 3 values, not just for the number of beats in the bar.
re. Bug in Tempo Map
yes, confirmed, just a small inconvenience, not really a show-stopper: you can change the figures with the keyboard, can't you? :)
I'll see if it can be fixed with minimal effort, until then...
ps. mitigation is in >=
re. Bug in Tempo Map
Amazing. Thank you for that. Yes, I can use the keyboard to enter new values, but for small adjustments the arrows are easier.
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