Can't hold it anymore... :) Since its primordial presentation on the LAC2007@TU-Berlin, almost one year ago, I guess it's finally ready for an official public release. So here it goes.
Qtractor 0.1.0 (frivolous debutante) has been released!
Qtractor development has been going stealthy but has been matured nicely. Still alpha however, but quite practical nevertheless. Or so I believe. Yes, things might get bumpy, faster or slower though, we never know in advance. And quite frankly I don't give a damn whether how it might progress from now. But it will progress, that's what I shall write here engraved ;) Trust me.
Qtractor has been my hobby, kind of personal purpose in life and should stay in that status for quite some time. You probably have noticed there's too many buts in this discourse of mine, and guess what? there follows some more for your pleasant delight.