

Qtractor - A MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer

Post-fader aux sends and controlling volume of MIDI tracks


Hi, Rui. I found one feature request on git. Discussion there is about topics that were recently brought on this forum.
Here is the link: https://github.com/rncbc/qtractor/issues/24

You are saying there: "there's something in the plans, like introducing a plugin-chain
separator as a movable pseudo-plugin insert, representing the fader
controls (volume/pan) allowing for pre-fader plugin inserts (the current
standing) as well as post-fader plugin-inserts.

Still trying to understand routing possibilities


Routing has been a bit of a moving target for me. For years I outsourced everything to Carla over many MIDI and audio buses.

Then I switched to pulling the plugins back into Qtractor and only using Carla as a bridge by way of placeholder buses to serve as over-glorified bridges.

Automating Buses: Tests and Conclusions


I'm investigating how to automate buses and I've found a working way.
I'm sharing screenshots and an example file.

I want to share my doubts and conclusions:

Despite deactivating Control from options, it seems that if they are internal sends from the open instance, the MMCs continue to work.

How To Manage audio workflows with "Group Buses", "Auxiliary Buses" and "Master Buses"


Here we show you to apply the concept of "Group", "Auxiliary bus" and "Master" in Qtractor.
This is my personal way of seeing it, others may find other approaches.
MIDI buses are excluded from the article.

We will also cover project start configurations:

  • Default: a single group-type bus
  • Expandable: facilitates the expansion of groups, auxiliary buses and management of the Master bus.

Bus types

Complicated bug report


I found a complicated bug during testing, which is unlikely to manifest itself in a normal work process.
It's not a big deal. It doesn't affect the functionality, just the interface. Saving and opening the session again fixes it.
I'm reporting it anyway so it's known.

- Deletes a bus that has tracks associated with it.
- Deletes a track that was associated with the bus.
- The track doesn't disappear from the mixer.

CLIP MIDI: Unwanted behavior


I don't know since when this has been happening, but it's a recent behavior, maybe since Qtractor version 1.0 or 1.1.

Midi clips have an anomalous behavior when shortening from the left.

Instead of shortening, it moves, as if you had selected the entire clip to move it.
If you move the clip, it is corrected.
If not, it stays moved and not shortened.

Test [xbuses2]


Commit 3171791:
I'm working on a new song without incident.
It seems that the indirect loop suppressor fixes the bugs that were coming up.

Let's see if anyone else is willing to do some testing so that we have more guarantees.

I'll keep working with this branch to detect any incidents.

Since we're working on sending, I'm going to suggest a new request.

Time stretching in qtractor


Hello. Is it possible to implement functionality that is shown on the image below? This is absolutely not a request. I just wanted to know if it is possible and is it considered valuable. Ardour, as far as I know, also is not capable in this regard. Maybe, there are some technical limitations or it is too sophisticated to add?
Thanks in advance