

Qsynth - Qt GUI Interface for FluidSynth

Pitch keys with Qsynth?



Sorry if this question has been asked before but I would like to know if it is possible to shift the keys. I'm using an instrument which keys are shifted downwards 5 spots. So if I play a C on the keyboard an F will be heard. Is there anyway to correct this using Qsynth or do I need different software to do this? I'm using Qsynth Version: 0.3.6
Build: Apr 2 2011 14:25:58.

Any help would be appreciated.



Channels in Qsynth


I have an Akai MPK-25 keyboard that have been wanting to try for some time. I'm using Qsynth with Qjactl on a Dell D630 in the current Ubunto Studio. I finally got it to work after figuring out the connections that needed to be made in Qjacktl. I have the general soundfont package that you listed. I understand how to assign each soundfont to a different channel. I'm not entirely clear on how the channels are used. In order to change soundfonts with my setup, I have to change the soundfont listed on channel 1. My keyboard is listed as using MIDI channel 1.

Synth input port changes for every session


Hello! I use Qsynth 0.3.8 in Debian 8 together with Igor Engraver 1.7 for Windows via CrossOver 17.0.0 beta 2. For each session Qsynth gets a new synth input port number in Igor Engraver, so I have to open the Igor Engraver dialog "Synth settings" and click the button "Prefer synth for instrument" each time I open the software. This wasn't the case earlier with the same programs used. What program is causing this now? See screenshot.

CC2 breath controller implementation on Qsynth and Qsampler


Hi Rui, a while ago Will the project manager for Yoshimi was kind enough to implement the CC2 breath controller feature to the software and I was wondering if the same could be done with Qsynth and Qsampler. This would enable EWI users to use them properly without resorting to added software like qmidiroute that can add latency in the process.
Thanks for putting so much effort in these programs made freely available to us amateur musicians who can't afford expensive software. If this change is not a big thing to do it would make a lot of happy EWI users.

Problem building Qsynth 0.4.3 FLUIDSYNTH library not found


Also posted to askubuntu http://askubuntu.com/questions/888957/problem-building-qsynth-0-4-3-flu…

I'm trying to build qsynth 0.4.3 from source. I know I need fluidsynth installed and I have done that. But running ./configure in qsynth errors out.

recording 4 channel midi into ardour audio tracks


I am using python to generate a 4 channel midi stream sending the stream into the qsynth, in order to then record the output of the qsynth into 4 ardour audio mono tracks. Qsynth recieves different channels from python, but in qjackctrl there is only two qsynth output ports (named l_00 and r_00) each of which pack all the 4 midi channels. How should i connect each midi channel of the python stream with a separate midi channel on qsynth to be able to record 4 separate ardour audio-channels from them?


Qsynth assignes one soundfont to all channels



when i create a new engine and load some soundfonts under [setups] and then check the [channels] i see that qsynth has assigned one of those soundfonts to all 16 channels. Double rightclicking on one of the channels shows that there is not all the soundfonts i had loaded to choose from, but only one (or 2) of them, which is taking over all the channels. How should i load the fonts so that i can use them on different channels?

Many thanks,

qSynth 0.3.6 Windows Crashing on launch



I have been using qSynth (from the installer on the sourceforge page) for a while now, and recently I changed a setting by accident. This caused the program to crash, and it has been crashing on launch ever since, meaning I cannot access the application. I have looked this up, and have found the location of the config file on linux, $HOME/.config/rncbc.org/Qsynth.conf . However, I have no idea where to find this file on windows (I have looked in %APPDATA% among other obvious places), so I cannot reset the settings to the default and get the program working again.