

JACK Audio Connection Kit

Howto catch my laptop's microphone ?


I use Jack as the core for remote Jaming with Jamulus. Here below is the connections where the audio device being used is my external hw:CODEC usb beringher uca202 that currently sends a drum line I can ear in the headphone plugged in the UCA (Monitor OFF), as well as my mates instruments when thet are on-line (not ATM).
Many thanks for a hint

Possible to connect to a Asio or AES67/Ravenna device with Jack on an Ubuntu 14.04 based laptop


Hi dear audio people, :-)

I have a question:

Is it possible to connect a Asio/AES67/Ravenna AD/DA audio converter via the Ethernet port on a laptop running Jack in Ubuntu 14.04 and use a DAW like e.g. Ardour, Qtractor or other bit-correct DAW/playback software.? The device in question is the Hapi from Merging Technologies.

Hope you can help.

jack controll problem "Your system has an audio group, but you are not a member of it."


Hello ladies and gentleman!

as i wrote in the subject when i start jack control it says:

15:37:13.353 JACK wurde mit PID = 8755 gestartet.
Your system has an audio group, but you are not a member of it.
Please add yourself to the audio group by executing (as root):
usermod -a -G audio (null)
After applying these changes, please re-login in order for them to take effect.
You don't appear to have a sane system configuration. It is very likely that you
encounter xruns. Please apply all the above mentioned changes and start jack again!

Phonon backend that provides Jack support


Hi, I've been searching for a Phonon backend that provides decent uptodate Jack support and I'm not sure where to turn to to ask about such a thing. It occurs to me that qtractor may have some code that could be used as a basis for a Phonon-Jack backend and/or perhaps Rui or someone else may have some thoughts on this seeing that qtractor, and of course qjackctl, compile and run on qt-snaphot (4.5) so is in the general ball park.