

samplv1 - An old-school polyphonic sampler

Samplv1 inside Ardour, keep sample ?


Hello guys, first time here...
Coming from Lmms I was serching for a Fileprocessor alternative. Samplv1 is what I was looking for but there's a big issue: everytime I open a project, I need to reload the sample (sample or preset is the same)! It's a pain. So, am I doing something wrong ? Not very useable in this way..


Sample pre-load preview?


First of all Hallo and THANK YOU for great opensource software! (Please excuse my ignorance but until now I was completely unaware that the same person is behind Vee One, qjackctl, qsampler, qtractor etc seriously WTF?!?! You ROCK man!!!
Anyways I have a question concerning samplv1: Is there a possibility to preview sample file before actually loading it? Like, you know, just by clicking on it in browser window - it doesn't seem to work for me but probably I'm just dumb.

no End II


Sorry to have to make a new thread for the same issue, but it seems the only way to be able to attach another video in this forum.

i tried to make some sense with the automatable LV2 but i find it impossible to predict where the Start and End Loop locaters will end up :(
And i can't tell when the CC value is higher than 127 or lower than 0, there's no feedback. I think sometimes the locaters do not catch-up and stay glued where they are. They don't react anymore.