Show-off my open-source stuff, mostly of the Linux Audio/MIDI genre

Chocks away: LAC2007@TU-Berlin

That's it. I'm ready and so are Qtractor. Some late bugs have been fixed, others been slightly re-touched, but I guess it's all set for throwing this puppy into the beasts.

Thoughts on Readyness

I think Qtractor has reached a fairly stable status, after some small changes and fixes. The major fix honorable enough to mention deals with MIDI track mute/solo switching. It is now working as expected, after lurking and annoyingly unfixed for quite some time. Disparate session sample-rates are also subject of a suggestive warning message and then tentatively converted.

MIDI Machine Control (MMC) Fun

This has been a great week. After a quick and brief brainstorming, I decided to implement some basic MIDI Machine Control (MMC) support into Qtractor. This covered the basic transport functions and, most notably, it changed the Rewind and Fast-Forward actions behavior, now resembling the tape-recorder paradigm. Or sort of.

My Software Ecology

Yesterday, a new blog article went online through Linux Journal. Shy as I'm used to, I can only think of blushing my face deep.

The Road to Berlin

It is with the greatest joy that I'm bragging to the world my modest paper/demo submission to the coming LAC2007@TU-Berlin. The paper is already out for review through the proper channels.

As previously advertised, that's all about announcing Qtractor as a brand new contender in the free open-source software audio/MIDI arena and willing to recruit some folks in the process.


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