Show-off my open-source stuff, mostly of the Linux Audio/MIDI genre

The Adolescence Prime

Before getting into great details, a new alpha-release got its heads up:

Qtractor (adolescence prime) is out!

This probably marks a subtle but important milestone in the project life-cycle, if it has any. Yes, Qtractor aims to be a fairly featured Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer for the Linux GUI desktop, with the personal home-studio in mind. Although still in a so called alpha phase of software development, it is known to be already functional and productive, at least for me ;)

Qsampler migrated to Qt4

At last, the remaining of the Q-suite audio applications to reach the highest purity status is now a done deed. Qsampler migration to Qt4 has been completed. With lots of breadcrumbs laying in the ground, still...

The Twelfth Tight

Another weekend, another alpha-decay burst coming out from this lone star. Or else. Alpha, because Qtractor is still on such a phase of development. Decay, well, it should apply to bug counting, sure, that's it. However, as all things in software life-cycle, major bugs only get noticed right after the release party. So there it goes, bug hunting season is now open again:

Qtractor (twelfth tight) has been pre-released!

The Eleventh Tower

Dang. One year has gone by, since the ancient Halloween Files have popped out from the Qt4 migration tomb. Yes, Qtractor was once a Qt3 application, and today we see the light of a new alpha pre-release from this pet-project that I'm doing in the spare time, in that good old "just for fun" fashion. And that just seems to be the best reason I'm taking so damn long to put something together. And it's not really finished you know and guess what? it will never be :) As most (good) software projects, it takes several years, sometimes a decade and what it will ever come to be is just something more or less broken.

Just arrived home after attending the Open Delta aLANtejo 07, an event ran by the Computer Science Students Association of the University of Évora, over the last three days (and for some, nights too:). The event had two parts: one fun part, a LANparty and the other a knowledge-oriented part, conferences specially and entirely dedicated to Open Source, with several luminaries on the schedule and, last but not least, also the final of the 1st Portuguese Zend Free Software Contest, the main reason this blog entry is being issued ;)


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