Hi Rui,
This is my first post here. You did a very big contribution to linux musicians by creating all these quality software pieces. I use QTractor, QJackCTL and QSynth. Is there some kind of "asked features" or "TODO list". I also use Ardour and I'd like to replace it by QTractor which is more than enough for what I use to do. The problem is the latency compensation when recording audio tracks. Do you plan to include this feature? I think it would make a lot of people to love QTractor. The easiest approach to this problem is the Audacity's one, just a box with the compensation value in ms (it would be better in frames) in the preferences menu. It's not too accurate to manually correct the offset for each recorded track.
Thank you for your time and best regards,
Luis Pablo
Qtractor TODO list?
Re: Qtractor TODO list?
Note that the official project tracker site is still at http://sourceforge.net/projects/qtractor. there you'll find the place to file bugs and feature requests. And you can post here of course :)
BTW there's this TODO file on the source tree too. There you'll find the major features still missing in action :)
QTractor TODO list?
HI Rui,
Thank you for your fast reply. I tried to enter a new feature request but I don't remember my Sourceforge password so, I'll do it when I solve this.
Best regards,
Luis Pablo
Latency compensation not in the TODO list
Hi Rui,
I was unable to find this feature in the TODO list nor the feature requests page. Do you have plans to include this feature in the short term?
Best regards,
Luis Pablo
Re: Latency compensation not in the TODO list
aha, forgot to mention, recording latency compensation is indeed planned, now that it got somewhat revamped through newer jack API (>= 0.120.x). however, don't count on plugin latency compensation anytime soon: it's a nightmare to implement across plugin types (ladspa, dssi, vst, lv2) and it ain't never never done right for anyone else :)
Re: Latency compensation (EXPERIMENTAL)
Guess what? there's this experimental stuff on svn trunk already (qtractor and I ask y'all to test whether it goes like your best expectations :) pertinent change-log line says it all (albeit as vague as usual:):
- Audio recording latency is now compensated via automatic clip offsetting. (EXPERIMENTAL)
Please try, test && tell
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