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Avoid quantizing imported midi clips

Any hints for avoiding having my imported midi clips automagically quantized? I have live performances recorded to .mid files, but when I import them they get "quantized" in the process. Any way to avoid this?

rncbc's picture

AFAICT, there's no automatic quantization when importing MIDI clips whatsoever.

What might happen is probably some resolution normalization (PPQN, pulses/ticks per quarter note) which means that it's converted from the recorded MIDI file to the one qtractor session is set (default being 960ppqn).

If, for instance, any of your imported MIDI files are of higher resolution (eg. tpqn > 960) then a slight quatization-like effect might get noticed, but hardly a real quantization/snap-to-beat-division one.

Is that something what you see (and hear)? That imported files are being quantized to beat divisions? If so, so which amounts? Is there any relation to session's snap-to-beat setting? May you hand out some MIDI file for which this so-called import quantization is evident?


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