Hello! How do you set up Midi in Qtractor? I already have timidity installed and soundfonts.


I can't figure out how to make midi work though. How do i create a track with midi so that i can write some music?

Thanks. :)


i tried the Connections but there aren't many things to connect and so i can't get midi!

timidity plays back midi files just fine i might add.

In reply to by trusktr (not verified)


If timidity doesn't appear in the midi devices, maybe is because it isn't launched with the right interface.
The command is timidity -iA for the alsa interface.
However I suggest fluidsynt+qsynth over timidity.


aha! I've loaded a patch (.sf2) but now still no sounds!


1) lauch timidity with the correct midi interface (asa as it right), being that alsa-seq for sure; also, you must give timidity the right payload as well, that is eg., a soundfont file (.sf2)

2) once timidity's running, it should appear on the midi connections tab pretty well: make the connection from qtractor/master_out to timidity/input midi port (w/e, i don't really know timidity that well:) nevertheless, I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

if not than you may blame on me :)


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