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Hello! How do you set up Midi in Qtractor? I already have timidity installed and soundfonts.

I can't figure out how to make midi work though. How do i create a track with midi so that i can write some music?

Thanks. :)


Does it have to do with the Connections?

i tried the Connections but there aren't many things to connect and so i can't get midi!

timidity plays back midi files just fine i might add.

If timidity doesn't appear in the midi devices, maybe is because it isn't launched with the right interface.
The command is timidity -iA for the alsa interface.
However I suggest fluidsynt+qsynth over timidity.

aha! I've loaded a patch (.sf2) but now still no sounds!

rncbc's picture

1) lauch timidity with the correct midi interface (asa as it right), being that alsa-seq for sure; also, you must give timidity the right payload as well, that is eg., a soundfont file (.sf2)

2) once timidity's running, it should appear on the midi connections tab pretty well: make the connection from qtractor/master_out to timidity/input midi port (w/e, i don't really know timidity that well:) nevertheless, I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

if not than you may blame on me :)


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