I am using CALF Fluidsynth DSSI. I have several of those loaded into 4 midi tracks. In each I loaded a soundfont and chose a preset. All were remembered except on track 1. When the project is loaded, the plugin on that track reverts to preset 1. I repeatedly tried to change that, but it is not remembered in the project. Yet all other soundfont plugins seem to work normally and remember their presets.
In fact, when I change the preset in CALF, the project does not notice it and does not mark itself as dirty.
Re: Project does not save plugin settings on one of the tracks
Hi Louigi,
sorry for the delay, I must have overlooked this topic before.
Is this behavior consistent, that is, it always fails for track 1, no matter which soundfont is being loaded?
I still find the CALF Fluidsynth DSSI plugin kind of troublesome. However, I should update from latest source repository and maybe see whether I can reproduce this strangeness yet.
I will report if this happens
I will report if this happens again. So far this is the only case, but it works like clockwork for this exact project - no matter how many times I load this, the effect stays.
So far, I have had problems in Qtractor only with fluidsynth plugins. Both Fluidsynth DSSI and CALF Fluidsynth already showed themselves in bugs, especially the first one with those crashes.
Re: CALF Fluidsynth DSSI
Finally, I could confirm some nasty behavior while using CALF Fluidsynth DSSI plugin (from todays git)...
By using several instances, more than one that is, each one on its own MIDI track exclusively and just tweaking a couple of the front-end plugin settings (ie. GUI) seems to randomly freeze the whole show. No playback, no content, just loading some soundfont, activate and switching interpolation to anything but zero-hold (and get a clean sound) suffices to lock it all up in just a matter of time... :S
Well, last I time I've tried it, some month ago or so, things were even nastier, useless to no avail, so I guess this plugin is still WIP ... :)
This is nasty. I'll point
This is nasty. I'll point CALF devs to this page so that maybe they can locate a bug.
Re: CALF Fludisynth DSSI nastiness
Even though we're (I'm) probably trying the escape-goat exercise, one shouldn't rule out something that may be equally flawed under Qtractor's hood ;)
You know, the ol'saying: given enough eyeballs ...
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