Season greetings, a third and last time,
- Session directory auto-name option added to the session properties dialog, as convenience.
- Loading and saving a LV2 plugin's state has been vastly improved. IMPORTANT CAVEAT: From this moment on wards, when loading any newer saved sessions into older versions of the program, all LV2 plugins won't get their state restored correctly.
- Track colors saturation introduced as yet another eye-candy option (cf. View/Options.../Display/Track color saturation)
- Fixed VST3 number of channels query/report.
- Fixed immediate crash when loading untitled or unnamed Instrument Definitions files (*.ins): base file-name is now taken as default instrument definition name or title.
- Tempo (BPM) entry may now be specified with arbitrary precision, to at most 3 decimal positions in fractional part, while integer whole values are displayed with no decimal point.
- Added option to keep MIDI clip editor windows (aka. piano-roll) always on top of the main window (cf. View/Options.../General/Keep editor windows always on top).
- MIDI clip editor status-bar labels are not stretched to whole text size anymore, most specially for the current file complete path.
Project page:
- source tarball:
qtractor-0.9.19.tar.gz - source package (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
qtractor-0.9.19-60.rncbc.suse.src.rpm - binary package (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
qtractor-0.9.19-60.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm - AppImage packages:
Git repos:
Wiki (outdated; help wanted!):
- static rendering: - user manual & how-to's:
Stay safe and healthy! && Keep the fun! 🎅
re: Qtractor 0.9.19 (winter'20) is released!
How about 2021, the Year of Qtractor
re. 2021, the Year of Qtractor
she's already a quinceañera, keen to some mezzo-american folk...
on 2021 she's going to be a sweet-sixteen to the north-american...
to me, it's just another year, like it will be for the Linux desktop grail ;)
cheers && just make it happier of a new year
re: Qtractor 0.9.19 (winter'20) is released!
I'm happy when Qtractor's impeccable. c;
Wiki (outdated; help wanted!)
What kind of help is wanted?
Maybe I can do some...
re. Wiki (outdated; help wanted!)
the wiki source is here
you'll need a account if you don't already have one;
then I'll just add you to the authors board and you can start editing away :)
No, I don't have an account
No, I don't have an account at Sorry, but I already have too many accounts all over the web. I need to reduce them instead of increasing... :(
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