[SOLVED] padthv1 not loading in muse


When starting the latest version (from Git) of MusE I get the followin error(s) in the terminal:

error: failed to expand CURIE `lv2patch:writable'
lilv_world_load_file(): error: Error loading file `file:///usr/lib/lv2/padthv1.lv2/padthv1.ttl'

I don't know if the two lines are connected. I also don't get any more info when running: muse3 -D. The result is that padthv1 is not available in MusE.

MusE latest, 3.1.0pre1 (from git, compiled)
padthv1: 0.9.9 (compiled)
Debian 10 Buster stable

Tim can reproduce it on Muse and in Qtractor (!): https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=20312&p=109107#p109107

But padthv1 works fine for me in qtractor.

All the other Vee One machines works great in muse (as LV2 plugins).


ouch! indeed the "padthv1.ttl "file is faulty!

please edit it (maybe as root) and add/paste the following line somewhere over the head:

@prefix lv2patch: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/patch#> .

cheers and thanks.

ps. this mistake has already been fixed on git, so you may wish to checkout from latest head (cf. 06ecd92)...

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