I've had experience with both audio/midi, and with Linux, but I'm new to Linux audio/midi. I'm trying to build Qtractor on a Ubuntu 16.4 machine. It builds ok, (configure, make, and make install complete with no errors) but there is no lv2 support.
I did install the lv2 package. But ./configure shows a list of lv2 capabilities as not avaliable (just say as "no" in the list)
I tried to install LADSPA on my machine, but is now just a placeholder for a domain name reseller.
There is an archive site that can be reached from Wikipedia, but that lists a header file and an SDK. I'm not sure what to do. Should I try to install the SDK? Is that the dependency?
Thanks in advance!
re. LADSPA Dependency
try this,
- for having LADSPA support, which is mandatory anyway, you shall install ladspa-sdk package;
- for having LV2 support, you need lv2-dev and liblilv-dev at least to most of those options become a positive "yes";
"sudo apt-get install lv2-dev", and "sudo apt-get install liblilv-dev" did the trick.
Lots of plugins available now. Thank you!
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