Klaatu kindly writes to say how he loves Qtractor and uses it all the time for podcast production and as one of the central applications for producing his two-person band. He has written two tutorials on Qtractor and covered it on two podcast episodes at The Bad Apples Linux Oggcast. Awesome! Happy Thanks-Giving!
You can hear his raves anytime:
- http://thebadapples.info/audiophile/badAppleLinux_4x02.ogg
where Klaatu does a Qtractor walk-through. If you are new to audio editing applications, this may be a good episode for you to hear. You may follow along with this walkthrough via Klaatu's tutorial. If you have no interest in audio editing or Qtractor, you can safely skip this episode; this is a qtractor walkthrough only, without any witty comments, wry humour, or insightful observations, so you won't be missing anything. ...or will you? nb. this episode was aired right after Qtractor discovery, still 0.4.1 or something, so plugins weren't implemented yet and there wasn't (er, isn't) automation, and so on. (tutorial article) - http://thebadapples.info/audiophile/badAppleLinux_4x19.ogg
where Klaatu goes over what MIDI is, how to use it in Qtractor, how to use soft synths and effect processors with Qtractor, including native Linux VST support. (tutorial article)
But the best news are that there's hope shedding on the user manual camp ;)
Welcome aboard klaatu.
Thank You~
Thank you for posting like this. I agree that it was The Bad Apples Episodes..^_^
midi event list
do we have a midi event list edit fonctio on qtractor?
so, we can edit and see all midi events in one interface, like lenght-contorlers-times and .........................
Re: midi event list
From the MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll) go to menu View/Events.
On latest SVN trunk (qtractor- you can even edit each event time, note, value or duration, when applicable. Just double-click on the desired list item and you'll have it.
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