Starting out......


Hi again
Easter weekend so I can play around :)) Happy Easter everyone

Here's my thoughts on things......I was talking to my twin who's using an Apple Mac and he's sat down to make some music.....he's got fed up as he's getting no sound out of a plug he's gone to lie down! That is music making and computers in a takes a lot of patience.....

I started Qtractor and linked it to a vst for a Metronome.....success........
One thought immediately occurred to me....this is not a criticism of Qtractor ok...just my hear me out...
When you start Linux and make music you start Lash, load up plug ins, link things....then invariably something ends up going tits up! Then you close down everything, open up Lash and if you are lucky things load to where they were before but sometimes they don't. Frustration! Anyway I will explain my initial messings about...

One thing occurred to me that with all the flexibility Jack and routings offers, it don't half take some initial work to set things up.....wouldn't it be nice if everything was integrated like a drum machine and save the user all the headaches of working why there is no sound coming midi...e.t.c I know this is beyond the scope of your software so it's not to find fault but sometimes there can be frustration when you just want to get going. Patience grasshopper!

I think that's why something like Reason has it's good fire it up and off you go....personally I don't like the interface much in Reason and I know a lot of people who find it fiddly but the all in one approach sure reduces the problems when you want to just get stuck's food for thought....

I went to record a basic 4/4 bar loop with a bass drum. I set the start/end locators to one bar. Set Record button. Gave the clip a name 'bd'. Then set it in cycle record.

Then I started record. Played my four bass drum beats. As Qtractor cycled around it deleted my bass drums. Why was that I thought? Is it some kind of cycle record mode like overdub or replace? Hunted through the do I switch it off this overwrite/delete feature so I can record my bass at the start I've stumble on something basic....of course I could be doing something wrong..........RFTM? or any advice?



As I see things, its not really an overdub. Everytime I start recording a midi track again, a new track is put over the old one. So both tracks are recorded. I just don't know how to merge them together.


As of current design, each record take becomes a new clip. There's no current merge facility and as suggested on other topic you can try exporting the solo track, via Track/Export Tracks/MIDI... menu. The exported MIDI file should have all given clips merged.

Please, try && tell :)


Thanks for your reply....I don't know how you find the time to maintain forums / help out and program at the weekend! Hats off.....

My own opinion here, so take or of the most natural things when starting a bit of music on a sequencer is to set up some markers, loop and put it in record - have it cycle, jam around a bit until you come up with something. That's the way you come up with ideas....then you might grab a loop or something ( or you grab a loop to start with then jam over the top). This is what I instinctively tried at the start. I've stumbled at the start which one shouldn't have to.

I really think this merge thing should be implemented if you can sometime as I was there scratching my head ' where have all my notes gone? '.

Slightly aside, do you think having to name a clip every time to press record also takes you away from the creative process....perhaps it's just me? It means the user is toing and froing between the keyboard and piano....which kinda stops you from getting on with it when recording.

What do you think everyone?

I'll try the other method for now and let you know.
Thanks for your help

Thanks for your support as well. Happy Easter to y'all too.

A better, or let's put this way, friendlier approach to loop recording, is in the plans. I'm thinking about each loop turnaround being split as new clips or numbered takes, which you can readily select and edit. As said, it's all still in the misty TODO list, yet under the Loop/take recording.

Another issue, which applies to MIDI recording, is the possibility to record (or capture) into existing clips, something like a real-time merge facility. It has been said this is a must have and quite frankly I happen to agree the most.

Truth is, until all those thoughts get materialized you have to make the best with what you have at the moment. Qtractor is not a finished product and in fact is very far from it, we all seem to know that more or less. With all your help and nurturing, it can only get better, one step at a time :)


I cannot but resoundingly agree that the one, the only, shortcoming I've encountered with QTractor is the absence of this most necessary function. To be able to click record on an already recorded track, to leave the already recorded data unaffected, to insert additional note information and to be left with only the original (but amended) track at the end is a must. Were this function to be included in future releases of QT, I would not hesitate to say that the platform, all things considered, functionality, CPU/memory footprint, user-friendliness, compatibility with other platforms and let us not forget price, is simply the best out there hands down.


I think you're doing a great job......for one person amazing..... Like you say it's using it and nurturing it, making suggestions...these things take time.

Loop taking or numbered takes is a good idea.......

I really care about this sequencer developing as you seem to have really done well with the interface design from the start and it's looking like it could really be a viable alternative to the stuff on Mac or Windows. Linux is screaming out for something like this ( Linux needs also needs a decent all in one synth like Sampletank or Hypersonic - but that's another topic ) .I can see a bright future for Qtractor if you keep plugging away at it. Keep it up ok ! :)

You're right. A really good and amazing project! Keep roking...

As you searched for something like Sampletank or Hypersonic. What alternative are you using on linux?


There isn't an alternative at the moment. It keeps rolling around in my head....if someone could bring out a killer synth all our problems would go away! You can use VST sure, but it would be better if something native existed.

We need a decent sampler ( Qsampler don't cut it ) - something like DirectWave with effects. That would do. Something integrated. Having to patch things and add jack rack e.t.c - it's so cumbersome. What's needed is a synth that does sampling, fm , subtractive, is multitimbral and has built in effects. Like Reason minus the sequencer. The amount of people I know who want to move off Windows is you can tell I am not a fan!

We need a decent sampler ( Qsampler don't cut it )
Not trying to make a stand but Qsampler is just a GUI front-end to LinuxSampler. Almost in the same category is (also from yours truly:) Qsynth wrt. FluidSynth. Both back-ends are sampler engines in their own nature, native on Linux. Have it noted that there are plug-in forms already available (eg. fluidsynth-dssi) or in the works (DSSI and VSTi for linuxsampler).

As Qtractor, Fluidsynth and Linuxsampler are still evolving open-source projects and eager for community help and nurturing. All made for you by you ;)



I have used Jsampler, it is coming on and it's great you can use .gig files so I don't wish to knock it too would be nice if it supported Kontakt files...
Fluidsynth is ok but sometimes you want more control ( like filter sweeping ) and I find it can be a bit basic....ZynaddSubfx has some good sounds.....
Qsampler needs will come on I am sure.
Whysynth has some good sounds...we need a multitimbral instrument that incorporates all these best bits......
I don't mind using VSTS with Lash - I really dig Synth1 - that has some amazing sounds.....I suppose you can always use another sampler as's just getting DSSI VST to work and remember things is a little difficult for the noob. It took me a hell of a lot of trial and error to get it's all work in progress and we must all be patient I know.

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