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QTractor MIDI editor

Hello Rui.

First of all, kudos on the great work done on QTractor !

I like the MIDI editor a lot, especially as it has the vertical zoom feature; this allows to write a pattern on a very readable (=large) grid. Good for my weary eyes :-)

May I make a few suggestions, in order to allow quick input of a pattern using the mouse ?
- I tend to find the pencil tool a bit imprecise: if I click on a cell slightly on its rightmost part, then the next cell to the right gets the note written to. This forces one to click all cells on their leftmost part, which is a little awkward.
- Could there be a shortcut to erase a note input ? The quickest way I have figured out is to re-click the note, then hit Del, which is not so bad, maybe I am being picky here ;-)

If have a last question, regarding the MIDI editor: quite thoughtlessly, I have clicked on the menu of this window, asking not to display the menu. Now it is gone for good, and I cannot think of a way to have it come back. Can this be done ?

Thank you very much for attention.

rncbc's picture

Thanks for using Qtractor; your feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Quick answers:

- the pencil tool, as almost all editing operations in Qtractor, relies on the current "snap" setting, usually set to "Beat/4" by default; that means that every note or event times (onset and duration) will snap to that virtual grid; you can make it finer, like "Beat/8" and ultimately "None", which is pixel resolution.

- once a note or event is created you'll have to re-select it again and press Del to erase the event(s); however, if you're still in the mean time while creating a note or event, you can press Esc and the action will be forgotten, so to speak ;)

- to get back the menubar you may press Ctrl+M (View/Menubar)


Thanks for your reply.

I hear you on the last two points:
- my menu is back, thanks to Ctrl+M;
- Esc does not have an effect on a just-created note, but Ctrl-Z does (plus I have just realized that on right-click, Undo is the first available option is the menu, so it is very convenient).

- I still have an issue with the pencil tool, though ; or is there a misunderstanding on my part ?
the problem becomes most visible if you set snap to "Beat" (so, an event duration will be exactly as long as a cell); try then clicking on a cell : if the mouse is slighlty on the right part of the cell, the events gets created on the next-to-the-right cell. This is probably due to the way you calculate snap, but it is a bit puzzling when creating four on the flour beats, I would think ?


rncbc's picture

Re.pencil tool, snap to beat
- please note that the snap feature do round to the nearest beat (sub)division; if the mouse is at least more (or less) the halfway of a beat duration, it will snap to the immediate next (or previous) and exact beat position.


Hi I am using the Qtractor in its incantation on the Lionstracs Media Station as Qranger. When I import a midi file, I cna re-assign patches etc, but when I export it as a new midi, NONE of the patch information gets saved with the midi... I have read both manuals (Qtractor and Qranger) but cannot find anything related to this.

I have checked because I play the midi in a player and everything is piano, apart from drums. I then re-import that midi back into Qranger(tractor) and NO patch information is present. Oh and just to be clear the original midi HAD patch data which displayed when frist imported.



rncbc's picture

Ouch. This indeed seems either a bug or a fundamental feature missing, both in Qtractor and Qranger, as they share the same code base in this regard.

The way it should work is about pre-pending the corresponding MIDI track/channel bank-select (CC0#,CC32#) and program-change events (PC#) in the exported MIDI files. Somehow this faculty got lost in time. Will try fixing ASAP. Thanks for the report.

[FLASH UPDATE:] qtractor- CVS commit-log says:
- MIDI track/channel patch information, ie. bank-select and program-change events, are now being properly set on MIDI track/clip export.



Rui, thanks for your reply. And thanks for taking my comment seriously. It IS a great program. The last part of your comment, does that mean you have fixed it ALREADY?? WOW!! Can I ask HOW I update my version of Qranger? Or do I need to wait for Domenic to update an ISO with it?

Again, thank you so much,

rncbc's picture

Fixed on both ends, Qtractor and Qranger: you can grab the former from public CVS; the latter you'll have to wait for mediastation next catch up ;)


Hi Rui i am a qranger user on mediastation i had asked for the MULTI time SIGNATURE map on lionstracs forum and with qranger v4 you have done great work . MULTI time SIGNATURE map is very importent issue for afghan-indian-iranian and arabic Musician so


only i have a problem with midi recording if i record in loop i wil record in the same clip not in a new clip but with qtractor/qranger every time you get a new clip over the old one. i thenk we need also possibility to record on the same clip with loop.

is possible for you to program so that we can use more than one drum kit on midi channel 10 at the same time?

thanks and regards

rncbc's picture

I know loop recording isn't that pretty as is, at the moment at least.

If you record while looping, you'll be recording one clip that will extend beyond the (end) loop boundary as long as record time. That's the way it is now and it will stay like that for a while I'm afraid.

Loop/Take recording is a planned feature and ought to be improved in the future (it is in the mighty TODO list, ya know?:)


Hi again, just wanted to ask what the difference is between QTT, QTS and QTR files?


rncbc's picture

what the difference is between QTT, QTS and QTR files?
- not much; at this time they're fundamentally all the same as a plain QTR session file; the distinction is more on the semantics alley:

QTR, QTS - Qtractor session project document file;
QTT - Qtractor session project template file -- might be regarded as exactly the same as a QTR or QTS but stripped from all file-clip content references ie. an empty session with pre-configured tracks and buses.


Thanks Rui

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