Segmentation fault in Qtractor


Hi Rui,

I have installed Qtractor from CVS, but when I try to open older .qtractor files, it crashes (Segmentation fault).
Tempo/Time signature map looks good for now!

-Edit: I started working on a new Qtractor session that crashed (I forgot why): but now that file wont open as well. In fact, if I create a new Qtractor project, I can close and open it, but as soon as I add audio track and close it, I can't open it any more - it crashes - Segmentation fault.

On the good side, I managed to make a tempo/time signature map for a 3 minutes long track, with quite a few both tempo and time signature changes. It works seamlessly. Quite good job so far.

Shame I can't open the file to finish it...



Does the same session files (.qtr) open without crashing on older released versions? Is that crash behavior always reproducible, with *any* or *all* audio files/tracks that you throw in?

Yes, current CVS HEAD (qtractor is pretty bleeding-edge but it is getting stable by the day ;) at least I don't find that crashing oddity on my tests. As always, you probably found one (or more) particular circumstances where the lurking bugs roar :)

Would appreciate if you can take the time and patience in handing out some gdb backtrace evidence of the segfault (see user manual in case you miss how to do it)



"Would appreciate if you can take the time and patience in handing out some gdb backtrace evidence of the segfault (see user manual in case you miss how to do it)"

Oh, science-fiction and magic combined again! core? gdb? segfault? Sorry, I am into chords, G-D-B minor....

Anyway, I did follow the letter of the manual and at the end instead of 'gdb> bt' entered just: 'bt'; was prompted to press a few times and after #48 items of code I ended up with the (gdb) prompt again.

I hope I did it all OK? If I haven't, please teach me the magic, Master Rui!

Kung Fu Panda

Eheh. sorry for all that sci-fi parlance :) But now that you have seen it, you're owned >:)

OK. Usually only the first two pages of the bt output is actually meaningful. Can you reproduce that and paste it into an email and send it to me personally? Then I'll post here the pertinent details and response.


I managed to install and run Qtractot version from CVS.

Testing the Times Signature/Tempo map.

I am working on a song with 7/8 that has 9/8 in a few places within. Also, the tempo slightly gets faster in the second part of the song (instrumental actually).

After 4 hours of work, it looks stable. I have done 2 tracks at the moment (midi and audio), but all seems quite good and steady for now.

(note that current latest CVS HEAD is qtractor

Re. tempo getting slightly faster, is that intentional or is it your perception that time is being abnormally skewed?

Thanks for the report. Keep harnessing it :)

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