It's really awesome to have you to try Qtractor. I am certain that you'll break it to pieces in no time :) Or haven't you already?
Multiple midi channels per track.
Before you ask, there's one design flaw that Qtractor does suffer in deed: one MIDI track is synonymous to one MIDI channel. Yep, old-skull sequencing :) That's one rule. But, let's talk about something else. Tracks are routed to buses. Now I know that buses, in Qtractor at least, are not the same as you might know from other books. Failing to have a better naming, I just call MIDI buses as being the same as MIDI ports. So, one MIDI bus does have 16 logical MIDI addresses or channels to deliver. Delivering or rendering, as I prefer to call it, is exposed at an actual corresponding ALSA sequencer port. Yet another multiplexing feature to acquaint for, I know ;) So, put simple, you'll add and connect as many MIDI buses as multi-timbral samplers or soft-synths you have to swallow those MIDI notes that are spit out from Qtractor as a sequencer (reality speaking, those are actually fed by ALSA sequencer). Yeah, it's not as easy OOTB, but you're one hell of a power-user, so let's do it! >:) OTOH, as bottom line as your question could ask for, I'm afraid, you'll end with a straight NO! MIDI tracks are NOT multi-channel, quite the contrary, when dealing with MIDI, sorry.
I'll answer to your other issues later, so don't get away so soon ;)
(and happy to have you on board, if only you cauld stand for the cruise, eheh)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
Hi Alex,
It's really awesome to have you to try Qtractor. I am certain that you'll break it to pieces in no time :) Or haven't you already?
Multiple midi channels per track.
Before you ask, there's one design flaw that Qtractor does suffer in deed: one MIDI track is synonymous to one MIDI channel. Yep, old-skull sequencing :) That's one rule. But, let's talk about something else. Tracks are routed to buses. Now I know that buses, in Qtractor at least, are not the same as you might know from other books. Failing to have a better naming, I just call MIDI buses as being the same as MIDI ports. So, one MIDI bus does have 16 logical MIDI addresses or channels to deliver. Delivering or rendering, as I prefer to call it, is exposed at an actual corresponding ALSA sequencer port. Yet another multiplexing feature to acquaint for, I know ;) So, put simple, you'll add and connect as many MIDI buses as multi-timbral samplers or soft-synths you have to swallow those MIDI notes that are spit out from Qtractor as a sequencer (reality speaking, those are actually fed by ALSA sequencer). Yeah, it's not as easy OOTB, but you're one hell of a power-user, so let's do it! >:) OTOH, as bottom line as your question could ask for, I'm afraid, you'll end with a straight NO! MIDI tracks are NOT multi-channel, quite the contrary, when dealing with MIDI, sorry.
I'll answer to your other issues later, so don't get away so soon ;)
(and happy to have you on board, if only you cauld stand for the cruise, eheh)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela