AFAICS, the "non-free" support you're referring to (mp3, mpeg2, wmv, etc.) are a matter for some patent litigation issues, not necessarily covered by the MSFT-NOVL deal (except, maybe just maybe, wmv). What that means to you is... as US citizen, you are on your own. As I read it, Novell/SUSE, and any other US based distro for that matter, won't supply those products itself in their proper distribution, but it pours on you, the user, the liability to get it somewhere else at your own will, initiative and risk ;)
AFAICS, the "non-free" support you're referring to (mp3, mpeg2, wmv, etc.) are a matter for some patent litigation issues, not necessarily covered by the MSFT-NOVL deal (except, maybe just maybe, wmv). What that means to you is... as US citizen, you are on your own. As I read it, Novell/SUSE, and any other US based distro for that matter, won't supply those products itself in their proper distribution, but it pours on you, the user, the liability to get it somewhere else at your own will, initiative and risk ;)
Ah, but IANAL :)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela