tested with ardour3 3.2-53-g07be5be just now and drumkv1 shows its own GUI alright (as from "Edit...").
please also check with jalv.gtk https:/drumkv1.sourceforge.net/lv2
or could it be that drumkv1 v0.3.1 is somewhat old enough? maybe you can retry with latest v0.3.3 ?
tested with ardour3 3.2-53-g07be5be just now and drumkv1 shows its own GUI alright (as from "Edit...").
please also check with
jalv.gtk https:/drumkv1.sourceforge.net/lv2
or could it be that drumkv1 v0.3.1 is somewhat old enough? maybe you can retry with latest v0.3.3 ?