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Hi Rui,
Nothing new here, I simply reordered your list and organized it a bit (well, I did sneak in one item ;). Like your list, there is no priority to it. To me, it makes it a bit easier to read:

* DSSI and native VST plug-in support
* Snap/Zoom menu accessibility
* Buffer/CPU% and underruns monitoring
* OSC or D-BUS interface
* Integrated scripting (angelscript?)
* A global option to turn off all time-stretching -- would be handy for tempo matching without modifing clips (Added: 2008-01-29)

File/Project Mgmt
* File error message handling
* "New..." project session dialog
* Project session templates

* JACK-MIDI support
* MIDI SysEx librarian
* MIDI event list and filter
* MIDI Editor draw mode
* MIDI groove/swing quantize
* MIDI controller feedback
* MIDI sync (MTC/SMPTE, MIDI Clock)
* Automation / Dynamic envelope curves

* Auto cross-fading of overlapped clips
* Punch in/out and loop recording (eg. takes)
* File revision resource management

* Clip split command
* Clip locking, muting
* Clip Plugins
* Pitch-shifting of individual clips
* "Paste Repeat..." command and linked clips
* A modifier key that prevents the Clip/mouse from moving left or right, when dragging Clips to upper/lower tracks (Added: 2008-01-29)

* Mixer presets
* Mixer fader groups
* Effect aux. send/return (pseudo-plug-in)

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