how this freehand MIDI controller editing is supposed to work ?
a. it works with Edit/Select Mode/Edit On and Edit Draw both set (both pencil buttons are on) aka. free-hand editing mode.
b. it applies only to the velocities/controllers view pane of the midi clip editor (the pane below the main piano-roll, showing like a bar chart).
c. when no event is currently selected, click+drag works as before: creates new events, like in free-hand drawing new events.
d. when there are events selected, click+drag works to change the existing selected events values only, following the free-hand gestures of the mouse pointer.
having it follow a straight line has been thought but i like this free-hand mode best :) note that this way you can always retouch and correct the drawing while in the same gesture, no need for several click+drag interactions although undo/redo and esc may be your friends as always :)
ps. svn trunk rev.3035 (v0.5.6.7) now behaving on a mix of straight-line and free-hand drawing, all depending on click+drag direction. hope you like it :)
how this freehand MIDI controller editing is supposed to work ?
a. it works with Edit/Select Mode/Edit On and Edit Draw both set (both pencil buttons are on) aka. free-hand editing mode.
b. it applies only to the velocities/controllers view pane of the midi clip editor (the pane below the main piano-roll, showing like a bar chart).
c. when no event is currently selected, click+drag works as before: creates new events, like in free-hand drawing new events.
d. when there are events selected, click+drag works to change the existing selected events values only, following the free-hand gestures of the mouse pointer.
having it follow a straight line has been thought but i like this free-hand mode best :) note that this way you can always retouch and correct the drawing while in the same gesture, no need for several click+drag interactions although undo/redo and esc may be your friends as always :)
ps. svn trunk rev.3035 (v0.5.6.7) now behaving on a mix of straight-line and free-hand drawing, all depending on click+drag direction. hope you like it :)