Thanks for the quick work. I just built SVN 2744 and linuxsampler plugin works and state is properly restored. I tried SF2, gig, and SFZ files and restore worked for all of them. I did find that if you change the instrument in linuxsampler and do not change anything else in qtractor then "save" never is enabled and you cannot save the new instrument state, unless you make some other change to activate the "save" button which is a minor issue.
I also noticed with Qtractor that you cannot minimize the main window separately from the mixer window. I had some idea of using Qtractor as a live mixer (which I like because you can put plugins on tracks and easily enable/disable them which is not possible in most linux "mixer" applications). For this purpose I only need to see the mixer window, so I'd like to minimize the main window to get it out of the way. So it would be nice to be able to do that.
Thanks again for the speedy action on the linuxsampler problem.
Thanks for the quick work. I just built SVN 2744 and linuxsampler plugin works and state is properly restored. I tried SF2, gig, and SFZ files and restore worked for all of them. I did find that if you change the instrument in linuxsampler and do not change anything else in qtractor then "save" never is enabled and you cannot save the new instrument state, unless you make some other change to activate the "save" button which is a minor issue.
I also noticed with Qtractor that you cannot minimize the main window separately from the mixer window. I had some idea of using Qtractor as a live mixer (which I like because you can put plugins on tracks and easily enable/disable them which is not possible in most linux "mixer" applications). For this purpose I only need to see the mixer window, so I'd like to minimize the main window to get it out of the way. So it would be nice to be able to do that.
Thanks again for the speedy action on the linuxsampler problem.