I'm sure missing something. Can't really reproduce the extra beat in the MIDI metronome measure. Can you trace the MIDI events with aseqdump and verify you get something like this (Beats/Bar=4) :
Source Event Ch Data
0:1 Port subscribed 130:0 -> 129:0
130:0 Note on 9, note 76, velocity 96
130:0 Note off 9, note 76, velocity 0
130:0 Note on 9, note 77, velocity 64
130:0 Note off 9, note 77, velocity 0
130:0 Note on 9, note 77, velocity 64
130:0 Note off 9, note 77, velocity 0
130:0 Note on 9, note 77, velocity 64
130:0 Note off 9, note 77, velocity 0
130:0 Note on 9, note 76, velocity 96
130:0 Note off 9, note 76, velocity 0
130:0 Note on 9, note 77, velocity 64
130:0 Note off 9, note 77, velocity 0
130:0 Note on 9, note 77, velocity 64
130:0 Note off 9, note 77, velocity 0
130:0 Note on 9, note 77, velocity 64
130:0 Note off 9, note 77, velocity 0
130:0 Note on 9, note 76, velocity 96
130:0 Note off 9, note 76, velocity 0
[EDIT: Whoa! Stop the press: I've noticed a glitch: sometimes, well, pretty repeatable, there's these duplicated MIDI metronome events being queued. This might be related to your problem, maybe not. Wonder why linuxsampler offsets duplicated note events (most MIDI sound modules I tested seem to ignore dupes, but I just might be lucky:). Check that out on qtractor from CVS.]
I'm sure missing something. Can't really reproduce the extra beat in the MIDI metronome measure. Can you trace the MIDI events with aseqdump and verify you get something like this (Beats/Bar=4) :
[EDIT: Whoa! Stop the press: I've noticed a glitch: sometimes, well, pretty repeatable, there's these duplicated MIDI metronome events being queued. This might be related to your problem, maybe not. Wonder why linuxsampler offsets duplicated note events (most MIDI sound modules I tested seem to ignore dupes, but I just might be lucky:). Check that out on qtractor from CVS.]