Very cool sequencer. I've been playing with it more and more lately and I'm very impressed with it. My question is, is there a way to duplicate my loops on a track, like a left click-drag or is copy and paste the only way currently?
I see the cool screen shots on the web site and cannot get mine to look like that. I downloaded the qtconfig and played with the color settings, but it looks nothing like the screenshot (which I like). How do I do this?
Very cool sequencer. I've been playing with it more and more lately and I'm very impressed with it. My question is, is there a way to duplicate my loops on a track, like a left click-drag or is copy and paste the only way currently?
I see the cool screen shots on the web site and cannot get mine to look like that. I downloaded the qtconfig and played with the color settings, but it looks nothing like the screenshot (which I like). How do I do this?
Again, excellent work.