Oooh. So that is how it's done... Do I understand you right ; I have to setup one midi track to trigger the notes, send that to QSynth, and another track, audio that one, to mix the audio coming back from Qsynth to the master bus ?
If the answer is yes, I'm unsure how to do that... In the "connexions" dialog, I fail to see the source of my midi signal... Same in Ladish, where qtractor seem to have no "midi out"..?
Once I understand the process I can 1-Use it for other standalone apps (I want to setup a qMIDIarp-ed Yoshimi stereo track) and 2-Stop bothering you with noob patching issues :P
Oooh. So that is how it's done... Do I understand you right ; I have to setup one midi track to trigger the notes, send that to QSynth, and another track, audio that one, to mix the audio coming back from Qsynth to the master bus ?
If the answer is yes, I'm unsure how to do that... In the "connexions" dialog, I fail to see the source of my midi signal... Same in Ladish, where qtractor seem to have no "midi out"..?
Once I understand the process I can 1-Use it for other standalone apps (I want to setup a qMIDIarp-ed Yoshimi stereo track) and 2-Stop bothering you with noob patching issues :P