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You're just confusing things a little bit. Let me explain...

The current active patchbay definition file is the one which is set on the Setup dialog. It is not always the one currently loaded on the Patchbay window. The Patchbay window is the place for you to edit that or any other patchbay profile, not necessarily the one which is activated at any given time. The one loaded by default in there is the last one you loaded last time, no matter you activated it or not. (side-question: have you noticed there's also this drop-down list up there, where you can load a patchbay profile from the list of the most recently loaded ones ?)

Do you get an error message like "Could not load active patchbay definition. Disabled." somewhere? If not then the patchbay file you're trying to load from the command line is being actually activated and going for the run ;)


p.s. again, you'll get deterministic behavior if you specify a complete absolute file path on the command line. (eg. use `pwd`/mypatchbay.xml).

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