Improved flow I don't know why, but with the "Midi CC Map" plugin the backflow doesn't occur. So one midi channel is enough. The key is to always transform the CC7 message type into another one using the "Midi CC Map" plugin. Important: Generic CC messages must be used to avoid conflicts (for example from 20 to 31, from 46 to 63, etc.). The image shows how we can also automate plugins. I have now used a midi bus for the sends, which simplifies the connections. I also attached the .qtz for those curious. File attachments BusAutomatimejorado.gif BusAutomati.mejorado.qtz Reply
I don't know why, but with the "Midi CC Map" plugin the backflow doesn't occur. So one midi channel is enough.
The key is to always transform the CC7 message type into another one using the "Midi CC Map" plugin.
Important: Generic CC messages must be used to avoid conflicts (for example from 20 to 31, from 46 to 63, etc.).
The image shows how we can also automate plugins.

I have now used a midi bus for the sends, which simplifies the connections.
I also attached the .qtz for those curious.