A bug that I've raised on the Sourceforge page, that it locks up when I resize the track info column.
- I fail to reproduce this one... what exactly do you mean with resizing the info column? is that click and dragging the vertical separator (splitter) btween the left and central main panes? to which size does it lock it up?
Editing multiple tracks - is there a way to split / stretch / fade more than one track at a time?
- Mute and Solo may be toggled on all/multiple tracks if you press the Shift or Ctrl keys while you click on one button (S or M); most other operations are done on a per clip basis, except when selecting multiple/group clips (also with help of Shift or Ctrl key modifiers while you click and drag).
When I take a shortened clip and speed it up, the audio seems to be anchored at the start of the file, not at the start of the clip, so the content of the clip changes to some from later in the file. Am I doing it wrong?
- Look after the Offset clip property while on the Edit/Clip/Edit... dialog.
When this has happened, I can't find a tool to move the audio relative to the clip boundaries (alt-drag in Tracktion, IIRC). Can it be done?
- You can also play with click-and-drag the clip edges, specially the left-edge one ;)
Your screenshots show nice colourful record / mute / solo buttons, but mine are grey, and it's hard to see which are pressed at a glance. Do I need to change something in Gnome or QT settings?
- You're probably using the GTK theme-style which fail to show those nice and colorful feedback. You can try with some other style (or skin) if you prefer, by giving its name on the command line, like this example of mine `qtractor -style plastique` and see if things look better. Mind that it's all a matter of taste :) ps. you can also use the qtconfig utility program but take care that will affect ALL Qt4 applications, not only the ones you wish :)
anyway, you didn't say which version or distro are you into... yes it's still alpha software and I'll appreciate if you get the the latest and greatest from the SVN trunk, 'coz there's where the good (and bad) things lie ATM :)
hi, welcome
- I fail to reproduce this one... what exactly do you mean with resizing the info column? is that click and dragging the vertical separator (splitter) btween the left and central main panes? to which size does it lock it up?
- Mute and Solo may be toggled on all/multiple tracks if you press the Shift or Ctrl keys while you click on one button (S or M); most other operations are done on a per clip basis, except when selecting multiple/group clips (also with help of Shift or Ctrl key modifiers while you click and drag).
- Look after the Offset clip property while on the Edit/Clip/Edit... dialog.
- You can also play with click-and-drag the clip edges, specially the left-edge one ;)
- You're probably using the GTK theme-style which fail to show those nice and colorful feedback. You can try with some other style (or skin) if you prefer, by giving its name on the command line, like this example of mine `
qtractor -style plastique
` and see if things look better. Mind that it's all a matter of taste :) ps. you can also use theqtconfig
utility program but take care that will affect ALL Qt4 applications, not only the ones you wish :)anyway, you didn't say which version or distro are you into... yes it's still alpha software and I'll appreciate if you get the the latest and greatest from the SVN trunk, 'coz there's where the good (and bad) things lie ATM :)
Thanks for asking