I had a hard time understanding Rui's response as it may indicate Qtractor doesn't support Program Change messages, which, back in day was the way we all worked around the 16 MIDI channel limitation. My expectation would be that Qtractor would honor such messages at any point should they exist within a track. That said, I've never needed to use them and again, Rui may have just said something indicating more than one message in a given track won't work? As a plan b, there's always the SYSEX approach?
I had a hard time understanding Rui's response as it may indicate Qtractor doesn't support Program Change messages, which, back in day was the way we all worked around the 16 MIDI channel limitation. My expectation would be that Qtractor would honor such messages at any point should they exist within a track. That said, I've never needed to use them and again, Rui may have just said something indicating more than one message in a given track won't work? As a plan b, there's always the SYSEX approach?