Do not pay attention to this entry, it is wrong. To see below "Another simpler solution"
After test it.
From the keyboard point of view I don't see any objections.
It is a functionality that I missed.
But the mouse interface is now very confusing.
First indicate a bug and then possible implementations.
If you press stop, everything should stop.
Now if play is pressed and fast forward, if we press stop, fast forward continues.
OPTION A (Continue with this implementation)
Problem | Inconsistency in icons:
It is confusing to see a fast forward and rewind icon that when pressed does not do what you expect, but rather takes a single jump.
Solution | They are different functionalities and require different icons.
Unpressed play
Pressed play
Problem | Button jumping is annoying
With the keyboard, if you hold forward, it works as expected, it automatically repeats the forward.
However, the visual jump on the button is annoying and unnecessary.
If I hold down the button, auto repeat should appear, but it doesn't.
Likewise, a visual jump should not appear.
OPTION B (Alternative Implementation)
The keyboard stays as is, it works well. The button panel changes to a slider spring type.
If it is released it returns to the center. Only accepts marked values, not intermediate ones..
(The example design is inconspicuous. I would have to design it carefully)
Do not pay attention to this entry, it is wrong. To see below "Another simpler solution"
After test it.
From the keyboard point of view I don't see any objections.
It is a functionality that I missed.
But the mouse interface is now very confusing.
First indicate a bug and then possible implementations.
If you press stop, everything should stop.
Now if play is pressed and fast forward, if we press stop, fast forward continues.
OPTION A (Continue with this implementation)
Problem | Inconsistency in icons:
It is confusing to see a fast forward and rewind icon that when pressed does not do what you expect, but rather takes a single jump.
Solution | They are different functionalities and require different icons.
Unpressed play

Pressed play

Problem | Button jumping is annoying
With the keyboard, if you hold forward, it works as expected, it automatically repeats the forward.
However, the visual jump on the button is annoying and unnecessary.
If I hold down the button, auto repeat should appear, but it doesn't.
Likewise, a visual jump should not appear.
OPTION B (Alternative Implementation)

The keyboard stays as is, it works well. The button panel changes to a slider spring type.
If it is released it returns to the center. Only accepts marked values, not intermediate ones..
(The example design is inconspicuous. I would have to design it carefully)