Solution This way it only affects the parts that interest you. You can create a QSS with this code or copy and paste it to the end of the current QSS file. /* Secuencer = qtractorTracks */ /* Midi Editor = qtractorMidiEditorForm */ qtractorTracks QScrollBar:horizontal, qtractorMidiEditorForm QScrollBar:horizontal { height: 0; } qtractorTracks QScrollBar:vertical, qtractorMidiEditorForm QScrollBar:vertical { width: 0; } qtractorTracks qtractorScrollView QToolButton, qtractorMidiEditorForm qtractorScrollView QToolButton { min-height: 0; min-width: 0; max-height: 0; max-width: 0; border: none; } Reply
This way it only affects the parts that interest you.
You can create a QSS with this code or copy and paste it to the end of the current QSS file.