Here the workflow using midi controller messages to automate midi- & audiobuss volume, pan, insert plugin parameters ect.
"Automation on both AUDIO- and MIDI busses and inserted plugins !"
On my system I have no problem with automation on busses, or even plugins inserted on busses can be automated.
What I do is create a midi "automation" track which sends controller data ( several ctrl numbers ) via the tracks midi out to Qtractors CONTROL in, normally used for remote hardware controllers.
First we have to activate the dedicated MIDI control input/output via Qtractors > options > midi tab.
Secondly, open Qtractors connections window > midi tab and connect the midi output of the in step 1 created midi track with the CONTROL input.
Summing up :
create a midi track, and record or add with the pencil the desired controller data ( in the lane under the piano roll ).
go to the audio or midi buss, right click on the slider > MIDI-Controller and add your controller number matching the ctrl number in step 1.
for plugins in the buss, right-click on the plugin > properties > right-click on the slider and add your controller number, which is send by the midi track.
Be sure midi channels of the sender ( miditrack ) and receiver ( buss sliders / plugins ) are the same.
This way you also can send midi-track controller data to a stand alone Carla application, but that's something for advanced users ;-)
If you want to use the tracks automation button, then you have to use a midi plugin capable of sending cc data.
-> Still, would be nice if there was an option to display MIDI-CLIPS controller data into the tracks automation lanes or be able to select midi controllers directly via the track 'automation button > select' menu entry !
Due to G3N-es question on Buss Automation / Group of tracks ;
Here the workflow using midi controller messages to automate midi- & audiobuss volume, pan, insert plugin parameters ect.
"Automation on both AUDIO- and MIDI busses and inserted plugins !"
On my system I have no problem with automation on busses, or even plugins inserted on busses can be automated.
What I do is create a midi "automation" track which sends controller data ( several ctrl numbers ) via the tracks midi out to Qtractors CONTROL in, normally used for remote hardware controllers.
First we have to activate the dedicated MIDI control input/output via Qtractors > options > midi tab.
Secondly, open Qtractors connections window > midi tab and connect the midi output of the in step 1 created midi track with the CONTROL input.
Summing up :
Be sure midi channels of the sender ( miditrack ) and receiver ( buss sliders / plugins ) are the same.
This way you also can send midi-track controller data to a stand alone Carla application, but that's something for advanced users ;-)
If you want to use the tracks automation button, then you have to use a midi plugin capable of sending cc data.
-> Still, would be nice if there was an option to display MIDI-CLIPS controller data into the tracks automation lanes or be able to select midi controllers directly via the track 'automation button > select' menu entry !
Just try it out, Qtractor = fantastic !