¿As you see make a small addition to the manual?
I think with it, any newcomer will be able to configure input and output hardware if they use Jack, and if use Pipewire don't think they need to refer to it.
__In point 3.1 add :
2 Set the input and output audio hardware with QJackCtl. This is the place and not Qtactor.
You will find the options to do this at:
(I didn't know that way to insert images.)
¿As you see make a small addition to the manual?
I think with it, any newcomer will be able to configure input and output hardware if they use Jack, and if use Pipewire don't think they need to refer to it.
__In point 3.1 add :
2 Set the input and output audio hardware with QJackCtl. This is the place and not Qtactor.
You will find the options to do this at:
Setup > Configurations > Advanced > Input Device and Output Device
If you see sense I'll add it.