I think you're asking for something that is probably impossible to accomplish: "polyphonic legato" ? i even wonder what that means, let alone how to implement it, in a deterministically way, I mean...
so, in my book, legato only makes sense on a monophonic scenario... so what happens, or should happen, when more that one note is being played simultaneously (ie. polyphonic'ally or in a chord context)? which notes, any or all, are to be extended to the onset of the next afterwards? can you actually show an example?
hope you (as an accomplished musician) may show the rightdirection, otherwise this new "legato" option is, perhaps, just nonsense (and thus will get thrown to trash bin in no time:))...
I think you're asking for something that is probably impossible to accomplish: "polyphonic legato" ? i even wonder what that means, let alone how to implement it, in a deterministically way, I mean...
so, in my book, legato only makes sense on a monophonic scenario... so what happens, or should happen, when more that one note is being played simultaneously (ie. polyphonic'ally or in a chord context)? which notes, any or all, are to be extended to the onset of the next afterwards? can you actually show an example?
hope you (as an accomplished musician) may show the rightdirection, otherwise this new "legato" option is, perhaps, just nonsense (and thus will get thrown to trash bin in no time:))...
please enlight me ;)
thanks && cheers