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Thanks again for your time and consideration but it does seem that I'm dealing with a hardware issue now. I joined the forum that I mentioned earlier to ask if the issue had been resolved. Even though the conversation was 10 years old one of the participants responded immediately and said no resolution was found. He got rid of his P85. He suggested I try yet another midi interface. He indicated that he's had strange problems with several of them before.

I also feel the interface could yet be the problem. There's evidence that the keyboard is not the problem, in my opinion. I mentioned earlier that I connected the keyboard's midi OUTPUT port directly to its midi INPUT port using a midi hardware patch cable. The P85 owners manual describes how to disable the keyboard internally so that only the midi OUTPUT is transmitted when a key is pressed. The internal connection between the keyboard and synthesizer is disabled. With this setup the keyboard is in effect connected to the internal synthesizer remotely. I don't recall having any problem with the damper pedal with this setup. Right now I'm away from home and don't have the patch cable so I can't verify this setup again until next week. I do have the keyboard and computer with me however.

In summary, my next step is to try yet another interface to see if the problem persists.

I did try the aseqdump utility. It confirms that when the damper pedal is pressed and released slowly everything works properly. But when the pedal is pressed down immediately (within seconds) after a prior release a midi NOTE ON 64 127 message is generated and the E note sounds at maximum volume. Of course this message is coming from aseqdump output which is after the midi signals have passed through the midi interface and the computer's usb device driver. I don't know for sure what's coming out of the keyboard's OUTPUT port directly. I assume the patch cable setup would confirm that in bypassing the computer/interface.

Sorry I ramble on.

I'll keep working on this for a while and post any progress.

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